Anjanvel Agro Tourism around the mountains in nature

“Anjanvel Agri-Tourism Center” And A Mountain Of Steps

Anjanvel agri-tourism center is the nearest trekking spot. If you keep walking without stopping anywhere, you can reach here in an hour. After passing about half a step, we reach Dhangarwada, from here the climb starts directly, it is not very tiring to reach the summit by following the steps of cattle through the thicket. At the end of the climb, at the end of the ascent, there is a spring at the foot of the threshold in front of it. We wait on the left and in the next five minutes we reach the steppe mountain plateau, the view from that plateau is indescribable. It is spread far and wide, its length and width should be trampled underfoot, and Sahyadri’s beauty should be kept in mind.

Holidays and Agri and rural tourism


Cattle from Dhangarwada can be seen grazing on this hill, in the rainy season and even after Diwali, these cattle are still here, the far-flung cattle, the lush grass on it, the puddles of water everywhere; It’s raining, it’s the trees, it’s the old castle, the cattle are really good here, it’s just a matter of eating and drinking and relaxing in a couple of months, the cattle are well fed there, You get it automatically.

Agri Tourism in Pune


This floor, which is similar to or even bigger than the table land of Pachgani, is eye-catching. Villages like Shilimb, Ajivali, Jawan, Gevhande Khadak in Pawan Mavla can be seen from the east. To the west, one can see the vast expanse of Mulshi Dam and Mulshi Basin. Both sunrise and sunset will always be remembered here, we are alone on this endless ridge, but we do not feel alone here, with its height, wind, grass, cattle, mountains, it feels very reassuring, inspiring, very light and happy here, There is no walking on the road. The hill of steps and this hill are memorable. This is an unforgettable experience to spend a full day or even a stay, a moonlit meal with friends, a tent stay, a chat over a fire at night, and a sunrise over a steaming cup of tea on the stove lit in the morning. This floor is memorable.


Rahul Jagtap


(Anjanvel Agri Tourism)

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