Programs Organized on World Agro Tourism Day

Every year Maharashtra State Agri and Rural Tourism Co-Operative Federation Ltd (MART), Agri Tourism Development Corporation(ATDC) and Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation(MTDC) come together to celebrate 16th May as Agri Tourism Day. On this day the farmers who operate Agri Tourism Centres are facilitated with ‘Agri Tourism Honor’ award, while best tourism centre’s in Maharashtra are also awarded along with them. As a responsibility towards the society, financial help is also provided to the families of the farmers who have committed suicide.

 Invitation of MART program 

MART and ATDC both are private organizations which are into their 10th and 11th year respectively. ‘The Agri Tourism Conference will be organized by MART on 16th May and the program will start at 3PM in Balgandharva Auditorium in Pune. The program will feature traditional songs of the farmers,’ said President of MART Balasaheb Barate. ‘This year the special award will be given to Paani Foundation which is working towards water conservation effort in Rural Maharashtra, and the Marathi Actor Makrand Anaspure is going to be the chief guest’, he added. The farmers from Pune, Satara, Ratnagiri, Ahmednagar and Yavatmal, who operate Agri Tourism centres are going to be felicitated in this function and they are also going to narrate their success stories. MART has appealed to the farmers to take part in this program and promote the cause of Agri Tourism.

ATDC program

While on the other hand, Agri Tourism Development Corporation(ATDC) and Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation(MTDC) are going to organise a conference to guide the farmers on how to supplement the Agricultural income with the help of Agri Tourism. This program will be organized on 16th May in the Yashwantrao Chavan Auditorium which is in front of Mantralaya building. It will be inaugurated at 9.30 AM at the hands of chief guests and in the program Maharashtra’s Agricultural Minister Hon. Pandurang Fundkar and Tourism Minister Hon. Jaykumar Rawal  are going to honour the best Agri Tourism Centres. And for this many applications from all over India have been invited. On this occasion, the State Minister for Tourism, State Minister for Agriculture, Tourism Secretary, Agriculture Secretary and the Director of India Tourism Department are also going to be present. Along with them many Agri Tourism experts from all over India are going to be present in the conference. And hence, Founder-President of the Agri Tourism Development Organization, Pandurang Tawre has appealed to the farmers to attend this conference and take guidance of the experts on the issues relating to the Agri tourism.


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