Tag rural tour

rural tour

25 Jan

कृषी पर्यटन आणि शाळेची सहल

कृषी पर्यटन आणि शाळेची सहल Agri-tourism and school trip आपल्या बळीराजाला भक्कम आधार देण्यासाठी आणि त्यांच्या माध्यमातून होणारा देशाचा आर्थिक विकास करण्यासाठी वेगवेगळ्या संकल्पना आमलात आणणे आणि त्याचा सर्वांना उपयोग होईल असे धोरण आखणे गरजेचे आहे. आणि सध्या अशीच एक विस्तारू पाहणारी संकल्पना म्हणजे कृषी पर्यटन केंद्र. या कृषी पर्यटन स्थळांचा उपयोग जसा शेतकऱ्यांना आर्थिक […]

23 Aug

Programs Organized on World Agro Tourism Day

Every year Maharashtra State Agri and Rural Tourism Co-Operative Federation Ltd (MART), Agri Tourism Development Corporation(ATDC) and Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation(MTDC) come together to celebrate 16th May as Agri Tourism Day. On this day the farmers who operate Agri Tourism Centres are facilitated with ‘Agri Tourism Honor’ award, while best tourism centre’s in Maharashtra are […]

14 Aug

History of Agro Tourism

Agro tourism is a relatively new concept and since it is associated with farming sector, it is has more importance in agrarian country like ours. Agro tourism and its concept differs from country to country. It provides a consistent source of income to the farmers. There are many examples of villages, states and country benefiting […]

11 Aug

What is Agro Tourism

Understanding how farming is done, how farms are cultivated, how the seeds are sown and which crops are taken during which particular period all of this constitutes agro tourism. People living in cities are only partially aware about all the agricultural and allied activities which are undertaken in villages. But observing all of this beforehand, […]